We wish to build a strong multidisciplinary team who are able to contribute in a myriad of ways. These will include speech and language therapies, music, art and creative therapies, hydrotherapy, massage, and other complementary therapies all provided by qualified and experienced therapists.
Hope and Compassion’s Therapeutic Objectives:
We aim to use a broad spectrum of therapeutic approaches to restore the following: Self-esteem, confidence, health and wellbeing, physical wellbeing, emotional and psychological wellbeing, creativity, expression and exploration, social skills, communication skills, and much more.
We aim to use these therapies as an aid to the children’s learning and education, encouraging communication, social, emotional, and personal skills.
Our objectives for the future are to achieve a multidisciplinary team of therapists so that the children can receive the benefits on an individual therapy plan that will meet there specific needs, and encourage their learning, enjoyment, and quality of life:
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Creative Expressive Therapy
Physiotherapy is the treatment of a physical problem using physical means. The problem may be relatively small, such as a sore toe or involve the whole body, as in some cases of cerebral palsy. The condition may be acquired or present since birth. Whatever the problem, the therapist works with the person and their relatives or carers to identify how this impacts their life and to start to alleviate their symptoms.
Therapists have “hands on” treatments which may include massage, manipulation or stretches. Exercises may be taught and, if so, the person will be given an exercise and stretch routine to practise at home. For sports injuries electrical treatment such as ultra-sounds may be used.
For children with special needs it is vital to work with the parents and carers to identify what is most important for everyone involved with the child. With young children therapy aims to develop their motor skills in order to achieve as much independence as possible in all activities of daily living. It also aims to minimise the effects of the disability and to integrate the child into their community. The treatment plan could include use of equipment to facilitate, sitting, standing and walking. The supply of a wheel chair to aid mobility and learning would be carefully assessed.
Parents are encouraged to learn to incorporate treatment into daily living activities such as washing and dressing. “Learning through play” is always emphasised. As the child grows, therapists work to maintain skills, strength and mobility, and to promote enjoyment of a range of physical activities, which will also help to maintain overall health, fitness and stamina.
Creative Therapy involves the use of creative arts such as dance, drama, music, painting and poetry as a form of therapy. Creative Therapists believe that a person can explore their inner emotions and thoughts through expression. The relationship between the client, therapist and object of expression is considered central to this approach.
Although the five disciplines of dance, drama, music, painting and poetry are the most widely practised, a creative arts therapist will not necessarily adhere to a particular art-form. Instead of specific types of expression, some practitioners focus on more general forms to help their clients realise their inner feelings and emotions.
We wish to build a strong multidisciplinary team who are able to contribute in a myriad of ways. These will include speech and language therapies, music, art and creative therapies, hydrotherapy, massage, and other complementary therapies all provided by qualified and experienced therapists.
Hope and Compassion’s Therapeutic Objectives:
Our objectives for the future are to achieve a multidisciplinary team of therapists so that the children can receive the benefits on an individual therapy plan that will meet there specific needs, and encourage their learning, enjoyment, and quality of life:
Physiotherapy is the treatment of a physical problem using physical means. The problem may be relatively small, such as a sore toe or involve the whole body, as in some cases of cerebral palsy. The condition may be acquired or present since birth. Whatever the problem, the therapist works with the person and their relatives or carers to identify how this impacts their life and to start to alleviate their symptoms.
Therapists have “hands on” treatments which may include massage, manipulation or stretches. Exercises may be taught and, if so, the person will be given an exercise and stretch routine to practise at home. For sports injuries electrical treatment such as ultra-sounds may be used.
For children with special needs it is vital to work with the parents and carers to identify what is most important for everyone involved with the child. With young children therapy aims to develop their motor skills in order to achieve as much independence as possible in all activities of daily living. It also aims to minimise the effects of the disability and to integrate the child into their community. The treatment plan could include use of equipment to facilitate, sitting, standing and walking. The supply of a wheel chair to aid mobility and learning would be carefully assessed.
Parents are encouraged to learn to incorporate treatment into daily living activities such as washing and dressing. “Learning through play” is always emphasised. As the child grows, therapists work to maintain skills, strength and mobility, and to promote enjoyment of a range of physical activities, which will also help to maintain overall health, fitness and stamina.
Creative Therapy involves the use of creative arts such as dance, drama, music, painting and poetry as a form of therapy. Creative Therapists believe that a person can explore their inner emotions and thoughts through expression. The relationship between the client, therapist and object of expression is considered central to this approach.
Although the five disciplines of dance, drama, music, painting and poetry are the most widely practised, a creative arts therapist will not necessarily adhere to a particular art-form. Instead of specific types of expression, some practitioners focus on more general forms to help their clients realise their inner feelings and emotions.